About Adara Peskin Shalem
Who is Adara?
Adara Peskin Shalem, formerly known as Ronit Horwitz Peskin, also known by the pen name Penny Price, has been teaching foraging classes in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas for 12 years.
Adara is known for her site, PennilessParenting.com, where she teaches people how to save money and cook tasty foods, while living their best life possible. Adara is a foodie, and while she started foraging initially as a way to save money, she now appreciates all the culinary possibilities with wild edibles, especially once she learned about upscale restaurants paying foragers to bring them wild edibles to use in their dishes.
Adara is an olah from Cleveland, Ohio, and has lived in Israel for the past 15 years. She is a Chareidi lite single mother of four kids living in the Jerusalem area.
Adara does not have a degree in foraging or botany, but learned to forage since she was a child, and is expanding her knowledge about foraging and the edible, wild plants in Israel day by day. Adara is not afraid to say that she doesn't know something, which is very important for any educator to do. Foraging traditionally was taught from one generation to the next, not with degrees, and Adara enjoys passing on the knowledge to future generations.
Adara with a giant bunch of foraged asparagus, Titora Hill, Modiin, Circa 2018
When not foraging, Adara is usually playing with her dog, watching Star Trek, or attempting to somehow juggle and not drop all the many balls that she has with all the hats that she wears.